Jens Gehrcken - Visualisierung + Architekturfotografie

Karlsfeld Grammer School with Quadruple Sports Hall

Landkreis Dachau

Type of Competition
Restricted realisation competition

Competition 1st prize

Florian Rödl, Ka Xu

Landscape Architect
Hackl Hofmann Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

The urban planning concept is based on the specifications of a development plan and refers to the built and open space structure of the settlement area of Karlsfeld along a railroad line towards the east. Staggered school buildings are connected by funnel-shaped courtyards and terraces. The building structure interlocks with the green space and small-scale design of the surrounding area. The compact arrangement of the ensemble in the north of the site creates a generous and continuous open space for the school towards the south. A sports hall building borders the school complex and divides the outdoor sports grounds and recess areas into independent spaces.

A ramp-like entrance area connects the school facilities to public space in a representative manner and creates distance to the noise of the street and railroad. From the entrance area, a path leads directly to the school assembly hall, which has a flexible spatial connection with the dining room. The assembly hall is the center of the school as well as the beginning of a main access route, leading to all subject-specific rooms and commonly used areas on the ground floor as well as to the stairs of the “learning houses” in both upper stories. The eight learning houses form independent units that are not disturbed by the general school traffic. They are connected to each other via glazed bridge-like stairwells.

Three angularly arranged classrooms enclose a central space, the "learning house forum”, which is both an access and study area. Classrooms and group rooms open up to this "forum" through glazed walls. A team room and support room form islands in this cohesive learning landscape. Two sides of the central learning house forum are lined by the exterior facade, offering views of the courtyards and access to natural light and ventilation.

Common facilities for science and art, the cafeteria, assembly hall and administrative offices are organized in a comb-like manner on either side of the main access route on the central ground floor. The end of the main access route leads to a quadruple sports hall, located above ground for flood protection reasons and also used by clubs. The main access route forms the structural and spatial backbone of the school, providing interesting sightlines, access to the courtyards and recess areas as well as easy orientation. Diverse usage options of the learning houses with green terraces in front for outdoor lessons, together with communal activities in the assembly hall and cafeteria, create a lively place for learning and communication – an altogether attractive all-day school campus for young people.

All common areas and specific-subject rooms on the ground floor are distinct in the facade with floor-to-ceiling glazing. The teaching floors above are clad with a sand-colored clinker façade, while wooden surfaces characterize the quiet, learning and recreation zone in the interior.