
University Regensburg – Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN)

Freistaat Bayern, vertreten durch das Staatliche Bauamt Regensburg

Negotiated procedure 1st prize

Start of planning - Completion
2018 - 2023

Performance Phases
2 - 8

Planning: Silke Koller, Irina Jerdeva, Stanimir Pantulov, Funda Meral, Site management: dreier+lauterbach architekten und ingenieure gmbh Munich

Building Data
Total cost 38,000,000 €
Gross floor area 6,974 m²

Planning in existing fabric means understanding, reinterpreting and optimizing existing values. This situation forms the basis for the design concept in terms of urban planning, functionality and design.

The new structure of the Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy RUN adopts the characteristics of the low lecture hall buildings in the overall urban design of the university, which project as solitaires into the central green space of the university campus, thereby complying with the existing campus architecture based on a “ladder structure”.

A key feature of the concept is the separation of the new building into two structures, a single-story, seven-meter-high precision laboratory building and a two-story office/laboratory building with lecture hall.

Due to very high vibration protection requirements, the precision laboratory building is "buried", with its own separate foundation next to the office/laboratory building. This concept allows the creation of a two-story main building that meets the urban planning specification of low structures towards the green axis and compliance with the building boundary.

The main entrance of the office/laboratory building is oriented towards the central green space and leads into the lecture hall foyer, which is the central place of communication of the RUN Center. From here, the structure is connected to the faculties of the university via "student paths". The seminar area and offices of the scientists can be accessed on the ground floor, while the upper level of the lecture hall, further offices and labs can be reached on the upper floor. A central staircase leads to the scientific core of the RUN located on the 2nd basement floor – an underground precision microscopy area, served by a technical equipment center on the 1st basement floor of the main building.

The modular building system of the University of Regensburg forms the basis of the structural and facade design.