Ludwig Maximilians University Munich – Bavarian Center for Molecular Biosystems (BioSysM)
Freistaat Bayern, vertreten durch das Staatliche Bauamt München 2
Negotiated procedere Top rank
Start of Planning - Completion
2011 - 2016
Performance phases
2 - 9
Planning: Tobias Hübner, Corinna Huber, Andreas Mrusek, Site management: Bernd Hilgers, Fatih Biral
Building data
Total cost 24,500,000 €
Gross floor area 8,640 m²
The Bavarian Center for Molecular Biosystems (BioSysM) will be located on the HighTechCampus of the LMU, in the immediate vicinity of the scientific and medical institutions on the Campus Großhadern and the Biocenter in Martinsried. The new construction will offer an internationally competitive infrastructure, which is essential for conduction of molecular biosystems research with focus on molecular systems biology.
Plans are based on a preliminary design by the State Building Authority Munich 2. This specifies a free-standing four-storey building divided into three areas. The ground plan corresponds to a parallelogram with rounded corners following the prescribed building line. A compact central block accommodates a conference room, a presentation area and computer rooms on the ground floor, with biochemistry, biophysics, computer and isotope labs located on the upper floors.
Offices, seminar rooms and smaller lab units are situated on either side of the central block. Apart from the scientific facilities, the research institution also has a visitor center, spaces for events, as well as a cafeteria in the entrance foyer.
The façade clad with white glass panels is structured with horizontal rows of ribbon windows fitted with vertical white sun protection louvers. A lively alternation between smooth continuous façade surfaces and ribbed ribbon windows is created.