TU Munich, Research Campus Garching – Center for Quantum Engineering (ZQE)
Freistaat Bayern, vertreten durch das Staatliche Bauamt München 2
Negotiated procedure 1st prize
Start of planning - Completion
2019 - 2024
Performance Phases
2 - 9
Planning: Andreas Mrusek, Adrian Beiche, Irina Jerdeva, Site management: Markus Dunau, Felix Kraemer, Katharina Hundsrucker
Building Data
Building Data 41,000,000 €
Gross floor area 6,249 m²
The new construction of the ZQE (Zentrum für Quantum Engineering) is located in the north-east of the Research Campus Garching, in the immediate vicinity of the Physics Department (now part of the School of Natural Sciences) and other physical science institutes. It can be accessed via a southern forecourt adjacent to the road Am Coulombwall. The ground floor of the structure is recessed in this area, creating a generous covered forecourt that connects the outside area to the foyer. The design of the outdoor entrance area supports this open character and is intended to invite to linger.
The compact new construction is composed of a basement with additional subterranean areas and three full stories above ground, which enclose an inner courtyard, as well as a service floor on the roof.
The foyer extending across all upper stories is accessed from the forecourt. Floors are interconnected through a single-flight staircase, which is additionally illuminated by a skylight. Connecting access corridors lead to office and lab spaces. The foyer and adjoining seminar room provide ample space to meet in a pleasant environment. Meeting rooms on the first and second floors as well as tea kitchens for internal meetups are also connected to these areas.
The building is basically divided into two functional areas – lab and office. Office spaces are accommodated in a U-shape, facing the exterior towards the east, south and west, enclosing the north-facing lab blocks containing physical and chemical science labs as well as measurement rooms in a central location around the inner courtyard. Further lab areas requiring greater vibrational stability are placed on the first basement floor. The office area contains single- and multi-person work and research places allocated to the labs, secretarial offices and two meeting rooms for work groups to discuss their research results.
The facade of the building is structured by means of continuous horizontal ribbon windows and opaque surfaces. Closed outer wall surfaces are clad with fiber cement boards. This materiality creates an interplay between smooth, reflecting and dark, matt objects.